Our clients are capable of pulling themselves and their families out of poverty.
There are nearly 800 million people living in extreme poverty globally. In places like Northern Uganda, ⅔ of people who transition out of poverty actually fall back within a few years. We partner with our clients to ensure they make a permanent transition out of poverty.


Our programs are locally developed, serve the whole person and capitalize on the inherent potential in our clients. Despite the odds being stacked against them, people are capable of pulling themselves and their families out of poverty.

Our Clients
We partner with families living in extreme poverty. Prior to joining the program, clients survive on less than $1.90 per day and likely experience the physical, social, psychological and spiritual vulnerabilities that come with living in extreme poverty. They are the subsistence farmers and petty traders that make up the majority of the global poor. We believe that our clients are not defined by their circumstances, but by their potential.
We operate a two-year program that provides intensive training, one-on-one business mentorship, individualized counseling, low cost-financing, and market linkage. Our teams (agronomist, business mentor, and counselor) partner with groups of 30 households and work alongside them one day a week for the entire program. Our clients gain the knowledge and skillsets they need to make the journey out of poverty and develop the resiliency required to not fall back in.
Client Selection
We work closely with the local government and our partners to identify those who need the program the most. Clients qualify for the program based on a needs-assessment survey administered as part of our client selection process. Once invited into the program, they form groups comprised of 20 households based on the community where they live.
Group Formation Training
0-1 Months
Our program is administered within groups of 30 people. By implementing our programs in this way, clients are able to take advantage of the social support, resource pooling, and market access. After clients complete the program, groups are transitioned into a formal Farming Cooperatives to provide long term stability, bargaining power, and market access.
Financial Literacy and Functional Adult Literacy (FAL) Training
1-24 Months
Finance management and savings are crucial to achieve program outcomes. Clients are trained in these skills at the outset of the program. Our practical approach to financial literacy training includes the creation of a village savings and loans group (VSLA) for each group.
Loan Distribution
Each growing season (4 total)
ll groups qualify for a “soft loan” from Capable. Loans have favorable repayment terms (3% APR) that allow our clients to kickstart their businesses rather than being buried under high interest rates. Consumption Grants are provided on a case by case basis so families can cover expenses and invest in their future.
Life and Livelihood skills training
3-24 Months
A 24-month training curriculum that provides clients with the knowledge they need to make a sustainable exit from poverty. There are 4 key training modules: livelihood training, health training, life skills training (personal and community wellness), and spiritual development.
Business Mentorship
3-24 Months
Clients receive one-on-one business coaching from our staff so they can maximize their earning potential.
Market Development
5-24 months
While clients are in the program we play an active role connecting groups with local, regional, and international buyers. As Clients complete the program, their groups are transitioned into Farming Cooperatives to maintain contracts and relationships with these customers over the long term.
Social Support
2-24 Months
Development Mentors provide supportive mediation, business coaching, referrals, and mentorship to ensure that each client is physically and socially thriving.
2-24 Months
Clients receive individualized psychological and spiritual support that helps them recover from trauma.
Community Symposiums
3-24 Months
We partner with Groups to host bi-monthly symposiums, inviting the wider community to participate in discussions around challenges being faced in the community. Often, these discussions are recorded and broadcasted via local radio station partners and reach millions across Northern Uganda.
After two years in the program, groups transition into farming cooperatives. This pathway helps clients maintain the advantages of market access and bulk pricing for inputs. Our reach is increased substantially as these cooperatives open up membership to others in their community. These new members have seen a significant increase in their own incomes as a result of joining Capable Cooperatives. This catalytic impact has helped us reach over 18,000 individuals over the last five years.