Theory of Change
Our program is measured by an impact measurement system we designed in-house.
Critical Factors of Success
After a decade of studying how people transition in and out of poverty, we’ve identified three prerequisites that clients need to accomplish before they can make a sustainable graduation from poverty.

Clients increase agricultural income to facilitate economic growth
MEASUREMENT: Capable Income and Wealth Assessment
SOURCE: Capable
Clients increase net-worth to weather shocks
MEASUREMENT: Capable Income and Wealth Assessment
SOURCE: Capable
Clients are physically and mentally healthy to cope with the challenges of life
MEASUREMENT: Self-Reported Health Score (SF-8)
SOURCE: Rand Health
MEASUREMENT: Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale
SOURCE: Dr. Morris Rosenberg
MEASUREMENT: World Bank Social Capital Assessment Tool
SOURCE: World Bank
Our Graduates

Akwero Agnes
Akwero Agnes is a recent graduate of the Capable Graduation Program. By accessing a low-interest loan to purchase high quality seeds and applying what she learned from our agribusiness trainings to improve her farming methodologies and market access - Agnes was able to transform from a subsistence farmer into a highly successful commercial produce dealer.
By investing her earnings from her agribusiness into a commercial rental building, she diversified her income and insulated herself from falling back into poverty in the future. In a few short years, Agnes went from living on less than $2 a day to seeing her oldest daughter graduate from university.

Lanyero Evelyn
Lanyero Evelyn is a member of our “Rubanga Ma Miyo” (God The Giver) group in Northern Uganda. She was elected by the other members as the group’s treasurer, a role in which she oversees the financial activities and savings efforts of her peers.
Only half way through the program, Evelyn has opened up an additional 4 acres of farmland that previously laid fallow. In only a short time, she’s transitioned from subsistence agriculture to a point where she now grows beans, corn, millet, and peanuts at a commercial scale. “My goal is to strategize more and plant crops with high yield, hence high income. I want to use this income to educate my children to the highest levels. I want to dream big in order to achieve more in life!”